PHP 数据结构

在此方法中,删除链表中具有指定键(值)的最后一个节点。例如 - 如果给定的列表是 10->20->30->20->40 并且最后一次出现的 20 被删除,则链接列表将变为 10->20->30->40。

如果链表不为空,创建三个节点: 1. lastNode - 跟踪值等于键的最后一个节点, 2. previousToLast - 跟踪lastNode之前的节点, 3. temp - 遍历列表。然后遍历列表到末尾,同时每当找到值等于指定键的节点时更新 lastNode 和 previousToLast。最后删除lastNode并相应地更新链接。


public function pop_last($key) {       

  //1.如果 head 不为空,则创建三个节点
  //lastNode - 跟踪具有值的最后一个节点
  // 等于 key,previousToLast - 跟踪
  //lastNode 之前的节点,temp - 到
  if($this->head != null) {
    $temp = new Node();
    $previousToLast = null;
    $lastNode = null;
    // 每当找到一个节点时,lastNode 和 previousToLast
    // 值等于指定的键
    if($this->head->data == $key) 
      $lastNode = $this->head;
    $temp = $this->head;
    while($temp->next != null) {
      if($temp->next->data == $key) {
        $previousToLast = $temp;
        $lastNode = $temp->next;
      $temp = $temp->next;
    if($lastNode != null) {
      if($lastNode == $this->head) {
        $this->head = $this->head->next;
        $lastNode = null;
      } else {
        $previousToLast->next = $lastNode->next;
        $lastNode = null;


class Node {
  public $data;
  public $next;

class LinkedList {
  public $head;

  public function __construct(){
    $this->head = null;
  public function push_back($newElement) {
    $newNode = new Node(); 
    $newNode->data = $newElement;
    $newNode->next = null;
    if($this->head == null) {
      $this->head = $newNode;
    } else {
      $temp = new Node();
      $temp = $this->head;
      while($temp->next != null) {
        $temp = $temp->next;
      $temp->next = $newNode;

  public function pop_last($key) {       
    if($this->head != null) {
      $temp = new Node(); 
      $previousToLast = null;
      $lastNode = null;
      if($this->head->data == $key) 
        $lastNode = $this->head;
      $temp = $this->head;
      while($temp->next != null) {
        if($temp->next->data == $key) {
          $previousToLast = $temp;
          $lastNode = $temp->next;
        $temp = $temp->next;
      if($lastNode != null) {
        if($lastNode == $this->head) {
          $this->head = $this->head->next;
          $lastNode = null;
        } else {
          $previousToLast->next = $lastNode->next;
          $lastNode = null;

  public function PrintList() {
    $temp = new Node();
    $temp = $this->head;
    if($temp != null) {
      echo "The list contains: ";
      while($temp != null) {
        echo $temp->data." ";
        $temp = $temp->next;
      echo "\n";
    } else {
      echo "The list is empty.\n";

$MyList = new LinkedList();




The list contains: 10 20 30 20 40 
The list contains: 10 20 30 40