该方法删除循环单链表中指定位置的节点。例如 - 如果给定列表是 10->20->30 并且删除了第 2 个nd 节点,则列表将变为 10->20。
首先,创建两个节点 temp 和 nodeToDelete 分别遍历列表并跟踪要删除的节点。然后统计列表中元素的个数,检查指定位置是否有效(必须在[1,n]范围内,其中n是列表中元素的数量)。如果指定的有效位置为 1 并且 head 是列表中唯一的元素,则将 head 设为 null。如果指定的有效位置为 1 并且列表包含多个元素,则将 head 的下一个作为新的 head 并相应地调整链接。如果指定的有效位置大于1,则遍历给定位置之前的节点并删除给定节点并相应调整链接。
public function pop_at($position) {
//1.创建两个节点 - temp 和 nodeToDelete
$nodeToDelete = $this->head;
$temp = $this->head;
$NoOfElements = 0;
if($temp != null) {
$temp = $temp->next;
while($temp != $this->head) {
$temp = $temp->next;
if($position < 1 || $position > $NoOfElements) {
echo "\nInvalid position.";
} else if ($position == 1) {
//4。如果位置为 1 并且 head 是唯一的元素
// 在列表中,然后将其设为空,否则设为下一个
// 将头部作为新头部并相应地调整链接
if($this->head->next == $this->head) {
$this->head = null;
} else {
while($temp->next != $this->head)
$temp = $temp->next;
$this->head = $this->head->next;
$temp->next = $this->head;
$nodeToDelete = null;
} else {
$temp = $this->head;
for($i = 1; $i < $position-1; $i++)
$temp = $temp->next;
$nodeToDelete = $temp->next;
$temp->next = $temp->next->next;
$nodeToDelete = null;
class Node {
public $data;
public $next;
class LinkedList {
public $head;
public function __construct(){
$this->head = null;
public function push_back($newElement) {
$newNode = new Node();
$newNode->data = $newElement;
$newNode->next = null;
if($this->head == null) {
$this->head = $newNode;
$newNode->next = $this->head;
} else {
$temp = new Node();
$temp = $this->head;
while($temp->next !== $this->head) {
$temp = $temp->next;
$temp->next = $newNode;
$newNode->next = $this->head;
public function pop_at($position) {
$nodeToDelete = $this->head;
$temp = $this->head;
$NoOfElements = 0;
if($temp != null) {
$temp = $temp->next;
while($temp != $this->head) {
$temp = $temp->next;
if($position < 1 || $position > $NoOfElements) {
echo "\nInvalid position.";
} else if ($position == 1) {
if($this->head->next == $this->head) {
$this->head = null;
} else {
while($temp->next != $this->head)
$temp = $temp->next;
$this->head = $this->head->next;
$temp->next = $this->head;
$nodeToDelete = null;
} else {
$temp = $this->head;
for($i = 1; $i < $position-1; $i++)
$temp = $temp->next;
$nodeToDelete = $temp->next;
$temp->next = $temp->next->next;
$nodeToDelete = null;
public function PrintList() {
$temp = new Node();
$temp = $this->head;
if($temp != null) {
echo "The list contains: ";
while(true) {
echo $temp->data." ";
$temp = $temp->next;
if($temp == $this->head)
echo "\n";
} else {
echo "The list is empty.\n";
$MyList = new LinkedList();
The list contains: 10 20 30
The list contains: 10 30
The list contains: 30