PHP 数据结构

在处理链表时,计算链表中的节点非常有用。它需要创建一个指向列表头部的临时节点和一个名为i的变量,初始值为0。如果临时节点不为空,则将i增加1并使用 temp next 移动到下一个节点。重复该过程,直到临时节点变为空。 i 的最终值将是链表中节点的总数。

函数 countNodes 就是为此目的而创建的。这是一个4步过程

public function countNodes() {
  //1.创建一个指向 head 的临时节点
  $temp = new Node();
  $temp = $this->head;
  $i = 0;

  // i减1并移动到下一个节点,重复
  while($temp != null) {
    $temp = $temp->next;

  return $i;  


class Node {
  public $data;
  public $next;

class LinkedList {
  public $head;

  public function __construct(){
    $this->head = null;
  public function push_back($newElement) {
    $newNode = new Node();
    $newNode->data = $newElement;
    $newNode->next = null; 
    if($this->head == null) {
      $this->head = $newNode;
    } else {
      $temp = new Node();
      $temp = $this->head;
      while($temp->next != null) {
        $temp = $temp->next;
      $temp->next = $newNode;

  public function countNodes() {
    $temp = new Node();
    $temp = $this->head;
    $i = 0;
    while($temp != null) {
      $temp = $temp->next;
    return $i;  

  public function PrintList() {
    $temp = new Node();
    $temp = $this->head;
    if($temp != null) {
      echo "The list contains: ";
      while($temp != null) {
        echo $temp->data." ";
        $temp = $temp->next;
      echo "\n";
    } else {
      echo "The list is empty.\n";

$MyList = new LinkedList();



echo "No. of nodes: ".$MyList->countNodes();


The list contains: 10 20 30 40
No. of nodes: 4